


BOOTH, Martin | Cannabis
London, Bantam 2004, B pbk, illus, 480pp, 1st edn 1st imp

Very good.



COETZEE, J[ohn] M | The Humanities in Africa / Die Geistewissenschaften in Afrika
Munich, Carl Friedrich von Simens Stiftung, pbk 20×12.5 cm, 96pp, text in English and German



COETZEE, JM | What is Realism?
Bennington, Bennington College 1997, photocopy of #307 of 1000



CONNIFF, Richard | The Natural History of the Rich
London, Arrow Books 2004, B pbk illus, 344pp, 1st edn 1st imp



GLOVER, Jonathan | Humanity – A Moral History of the Twentieth Century
np, Yale Nota Bene 2001, B pbk, 464pp, 1st edn 5th imp

Very good.


COLLETT, Peter | The Book of Tells
London, Bantam 2004, B pbk, 395pp, 1st edn 5th imp



FEILING, Tom | The Candy Machine – How Cocaine Took Over the World
London, Penguin 2009, B pbk, 351pp, 1st edn 1st imp



JAMES, Oliver | Affluenza
London, Vermillion 2007, C pbk, 382pp, 1st edn 1st imp

Very good.


LAWRENCE, DH | ‘À Propos of Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ and Other Essays
Harmondsworth, Penguin 1961, A pbk, 157pp, 1st end 1st imp


MACMILLAN, Margaret | The Uses and Abuses of History
London, Profile 2010, B pbk, 194pp, 1st edn 1st imp



MUDD, Douglas | All the  Money in the World
New York, Collins USA 2006, hbk 24×22 cm with dj, illus, 172pp, 1st edn 1st imp



ORWELL, George | Shooting an Elephant and Other Essays
London, Secker & Warburg 1950, pale green cloth with dj, 18.5×12.5 cm, 212pp

Good. Foxing to the edges; dj creased with a number of small open tears; owner’s signature on fep


READ, Bill and McKENNA, Rollie (photographer) | The Days of Dylan Thomas – A Pictorial Biography
London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1965, blue cloth with dj, 21×14 cm, 189pp, 1st edn 1st imp

Very Good.  Ex-Transvaal Provincial Library book covered in plastic: usual library marks; taken out about seven times between September 1968 and March 1972.


ROTHENBERG, David | Why Birds Sing
London, Penguin 2006, B pbk, 258pp, 1st edn 1st imp



SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe | Letters to Elizabeth Hitchener
London, Bertram Dobell 1908, light brown cloth, 351pp

Very good -. Dirty mark on back end paper


SMITH, Robert R | Breakfast With Socrates

London, Profile Books 2010, B pbk, 189pp, 1st edn 1st imp



UNWIN, Philip | The Publishing Unwins
London, Heinemann 1972, hbk 24×16 cm with dj, illus, 182pp, 1st edn 1st imp

Very good.


WEBBER, Richard | 50 Years of Hancock’s Half Hour
London, Arrow Books 2005, B pbk, 372pp, 1st edn 1st imp

Very good.


WESTROPP, Hodder M | A Manual of Precious Stones and Antique Gems
London, Sampson Low, Marston, Low & Searle 1874, gilt-embossed blue cloth, 17×11.5 cm, all edges red, 165pp, illus

Very good +. The corners a little bumped and fraying to the top of the spine


WILSON, AN | Iris Murdoch – As I Knew Her
London, Hutchinson 2003, hbk 24×16 cm with dj, illus, 275pp, 1st edn 1st imp

